Tattoo tips and tricks.

Welcome back to my blog, Lainey lovers! If you’re new here, check out the 70+ blogs I’ve already written. I’m sure you’ll find something to tickle your fancy.

**Disclaimer** In no means is this a “right” or “wrong” way about tattoo tips and tricks. At the end of the day, you’re going to do what you feel most comfortable with, and that’s perfectly ok.


In today’s blog, I’d like to touch on some tips and tricks that I’ve picked up through my tattoo journey.

  • Firstly, the most important thing you want to do before getting a tattoo, is eat. If you don’t eat and prepare your body beforehand, you can pass out during your tattoo. (I learned the hard way. I didn’t pass out, but I was pretty damn close). I generally eat 30 minutes before getting tattooed. By no means do you need to eat a 3 course meal beforehand. I generally just make sure I have something in my stomach rather than nothing. It’s better to be safe than sorry!


  • ALWAYS research an artist before getting tattooed. Just because someone says they’re a tattoo artist, doesn’t mean they’re any good. Make sure they’re experienced, and most importantly make sure you feel comfortable with them. The world isn’t always a wonderful place. You’re likely to encounter at least one dickhead tattoo artist in your life time. Make sure that their work is clean, neat, and easy to interpret. (When I switched artists, I asked via Facebook yard sale groups who they recommended, and researched from there). Whilst researching, ask how friendly/kind the artist is. That was a must, for me.


  • Believe it or not, tattoos hurt. They’re 100% worth it in the end, but getting to the end isn’t a piece of cake. With that being said, keep in mind what you want, and where you want it when deciding on your first, or next tattoo. EVERYONE has a different pain tolerance. What makes me want to cry, you may not even bat an eye to. So when asking a friend/artist how bad it’ll hurt, keep in mind no two people have the same pain tolerance. Remember not to try and over do it on your first tattoo. I would wait until you know how your body responds to the ink and needles before you go attempting a back piece in one session. (Painful places for ME were my wrists and most definitely my ribs).


  • Let me just pound this into everyone’s head. GOOD TATTOOS AREN’T CHEAP, CHEAP TATTOOS AREN’T GOOD. Don’t be a thrift store shopper when picking out your artist and tattoos. Yes, $100 for a half sleeve sounds like the deal of a lifetime, but that beautiful tattoo will most likely come out looking like Barney The Dinosaur on drugs. I’m not saying that upcoming artists aren’t any good, but there is and always will be a huge difference between a $100 tattoo, and a $500 tattoo. Remember ladies and gentlebabes, this is going to be on your body the rest of your life. The last thing you want is to be made fun of for a crappy tattoo that could’ve had so much more potential. You get what you pay for.


  • ALWAYS (optional, at your own risk) go to someone that works in a shop. Someone who does tattooing on the side will generally not have as much tattoo experience compared to someone who tattoos for a living. No, house tattoos don’t always mean you’re needle sharing, but tattoo shops are a lot more sanitary than the kitchen table. You wouldn’t want to get an infection because something wasn’t properly sterilized, would you? (Not saying that you can’t get infections from shops, but it is highly unlikely to happen in a shop).


  • Have 100 questions about tattoos/how the machine works/can you move the placement etc? Ask. Never hold back from any questions you may have. As I said before, this is going to be on your body forever, (unless you’re willing to pay out the ass for laser tattoo removal) so if you don’t like how high or low the tattoo is placed, speak up. You can never ask too many questions. That’s how we learn, after all. No one is born with all the knowledge of everything in the entire world.


  • AVOID drinking alcohol and taking pain killers (Advil, Tylenol, etc). By avoiding these things, you won’t bleed as heavily as someone who is drunk. Alcohol and meds thing your blood, which will ultimately make you bleed more which can make getting tattooed a real hot mess. Some shops won’t care if you drink while being tattooed, others may care.


  • Lastly, NEVER pick at the scabs that form on your tattoo. Yes, while in the healing process your tattoo may itch, but avoid picking scabs at all costs. I generally put lotion on mine/pat it when it begins to itch or feel tight. Picking the scabs can pull the ink out of your skin, and all that pain you just endured will have been for nothing. Let them fall off naturally when they’re ready, and all will be well. If you have problems with picking scabs, just wrap your tattoo in plastic wrap to gain some extra self control.




And that wraps up today’s blog! If you have any suggestions/tips and tricks to share, leave them in the comments below!




I hope you all enjoyed todays blog.







Love, Lainey & Mommy ❤



One thought on “Tattoo tips and tricks.

  1. Renee Smith says:

    These were great tips. I’ve been thinking about getting one. I know what I want but not where I want it. I found your article very helpful. Thanks!

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